Is it possible to increase low AMH levels?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Is it possible to increase low AMH level? Image credit: hadkhanong at AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) is a hormone secreted in the granulosa cells (satellite cells which surround eggs) and its robustness and stability throughout the cycle makes it the most important parameter in terms of predicting ovarian reserve. A simple blood test taken on [...]

Is it possible to increase low AMH levels?2021-06-01T07:27:21+01:00

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know Antral follicle count is a reliable readout of how active your ovaries are. Together with AMH and FSH, antral follicle counts adds a precious information to what exactly the time is on your personal biological clock and how many eggs you have left. You can then build on this information [...]

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know2020-12-25T07:05:49+01:00

Fertility bloodwork: 7 hormones which are most important for fertility

Image credit: Tuomas Lehtinen at What hormones are tested for fertility? This happens to me often: a woman writes to me and tells me all about her fertility journey and asks a ton of questions. Then I say: all right, but could you please send me your recent bloodwork? Then the woman sends me a [...]

Fertility bloodwork: 7 hormones which are most important for fertility2017-10-13T12:01:41+01:00

Is it possible to increase AMH levels?

Image credit: hadkhanong at AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) is a hormone secreted in the granulosa cells (satellite cells which surround eggs) and its robustness and stability throughout the cycle makes it the most important parameter in terms of predicting ovarian reserve. A simple blood test taken on any day of the cycle will give you this [...]

Is it possible to increase AMH levels?2017-10-13T12:01:41+01:00

Do you know your AMH and FSH levels?

My best friend is thirty-nine and is still postponing having a baby. We have discussed all kinds of fertility topics for years - from egg freezing, to low ovarian reserve, tracking ovulation etc., and still she would not even go to a doctor to find out about her AMH or FSH. “What if it's bad?” she says. “Then [...]

Do you know your AMH and FSH levels?2017-10-13T12:01:43+01:00

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know

Antral follicle count is a reliable readout of how active your ovaries are. Together with AMH and FSH, antral follicle counts adds a precious information to what exactly the time is on your personal biological clock and how many eggs you have left. You can then build on this information yourself and adjust your life habits so as to give to [...]

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00
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