Why can a second child be hard to conceive?

Being pregnant once makes it easir to conceive again? Image credit: David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net A common misconception which most women have is that having conceived a child easily for the first time, means automatically that further pregnancies and children are secured. Unfortunately, this is clearly not the case. Having bared one child does give certain [...]

Why can a second child be hard to conceive?2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00

CoQ10 and egg quality

  CoQ10 is improving egg quality by affecting energy status of women's eggs. Image credit: dream_designs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net CoQ10 is a naturally occurring nutrient that is needed for energy production. CoQ10 has potent antioxidant properties and cell membrane stabilizing properties, which make it beneficial for egg quality. CoQ10 works within the mitochondria (the cellular power [...]

CoQ10 and egg quality2018-01-02T20:45:56+01:00

Who was the first one to discover beneficial effects of DHEA on egg and embryo quality?

  Image credit arthur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net We all now know that DHEA can improve egg quality in women, especially those who are in advanced reproductive age. But DHEA has come a long way in the past ten years – from a coincidental finding, to the more systematic research, to the recent large, independent, separately confirmed clinical [...]

Who was the first one to discover beneficial effects of DHEA on egg and embryo quality?2018-01-10T10:55:32+01:00

Over 40 and few eggs left: case of my friend Elena B.

Almost 40 and no eggs left? Image courtesy: jannoon028 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net  The first email I had a look at this morning was from my dear Itallian friend Elena (name changed). I know that she’s been trying to get pregnant for about a year now, and with each new email from her a part of me is [...]

Over 40 and few eggs left: case of my friend Elena B.2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00

When is the best time to get pregnant?

  At which age should women have children? Image credit: paul at FreeDigitalPhotos.net At which age should women have children? When an average woman in her late 20es considers becoming a mother, what is a picture that TV and magazines help her arrive to? Sarah Jesssica Parker gets twins in her mid-forties, Heidi Klum models in [...]

When is the best time to get pregnant?2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00

How eating paleo diet may help you get pregnant

Paleo and Mediterranean eating styles could be beneficial when trying to get pregnant Paleo nutrition - a realistic way to increase egg health? In short, “paleo” is translated from the Greek word, palaios, meaning “ancient” or “very old.” As a nutritional style, it represents the entire food spectrum eaten by our ancestors throughout the Stone Age (this [...]

How eating paleo diet may help you get pregnant2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00
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