How can I improve egg quality? With some time and dedication!

While it’s true that the younger you are, the better quality eggs you have (and with this better chances to get pregnant), it's problematic in our society for a young woman to gather together the resources necessary to raise and provide for a child. More and more we tend to delay finding a permanent mate. Instead, we develop careers, build security, [...]

How can I improve egg quality? With some time and dedication!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

CoQ10: ubiquinone or ubiquinol to improve egg quality?

Image courtesy: annat ticker at How does CoQ10 help egg quality? Should I use ubiquinone or ubiqunol? These are probably the most common questions I get in the emails from my readers. But let's start from the beginning: Most women ignore the ticking of their biological clocks. To them I say, don't do it, or at [...]

CoQ10: ubiquinone or ubiquinol to improve egg quality?2018-01-02T20:47:50+01:00

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why

  Image courtesy: stuart miles at Someone I know in Berlin is developing a new fertility-app. She runs a dynamic young start-up and is a welcome guest at all kinds of digital health meetups. Because healthcare is going digital and digital healthcare is going mainstream. So the last time we met, Ms.Start-up asked me whether I [...]

Do fertility apps work? Not really and here is why2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

Have a question for me? Meet me via Skype or e-mail!

Dear ladies, thank you very much for your letters, questions and support. Each one of your voices and your comments over the past years has helped me to build a better website. For that I feel very grateful. But most of all, thank you for letting me have a glimpse of many of your fertility journeys and asking for my [...]

Have a question for me? Meet me via Skype or e-mail!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

Three-parent babies simply explained

Image credit: sscreations at Long time ago when I was still a biology student, no one was interested in mitochondria, or thought they had anything to do with creating healthy eggs and babies. Twenty years fast forward and I have to explain mitochondria in every second blog post. What mitochondria have to do with three-parent babies The [...]

Three-parent babies simply explained2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

What I wish I knew about my eggs and my fertility when I was younger

Image courtesy: adamr at I was 35, when I first tried to get pregnant. I felt awesome at the time, my career was blossoming, my partner was the right one. For the first time in my life, nothing serious stood in the way of me finally becoming a mother. Periods continued coming as usual; not only that [...]

What I wish I knew about my eggs and my fertility when I was younger2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

The damaging effects of sunshine on fertility?

Image credit: sakhorn38 at The Damaging Effects of UV Light on Fertility? I've seen the title last week and instincivelly did not like it at all. After having spent over a decade in vitamin D research, I became convinced that the root of many health problems derive from the fact that people are getting too little sunshine and not too [...]

The damaging effects of sunshine on fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

A few possible downsides of reproductive technologies?

Photo credit: David Castillo Dominici at Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), better known as in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),  involve manipulation of several steps of conception, from the stimulation of gamete production to the culture of embryos in the laboratory. A whole lot of manipulation as the matter of fact. These manipulations include: the use [...]

A few possible downsides of reproductive technologies?2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00
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