How to read my E-book on improving egg quality: Know your options, but don’t panic

As much as I love to get feedback about my e-book (which made it to the #1 Kindle in its category on Amazon), I sometimes still get confused by the messages you send to me. Several ladies claimed in their reviews to have read the book in a single day and praise my writing to be simple and [...]

How to read my E-book on improving egg quality: Know your options, but don’t panic2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know

Antral follicle count is a reliable readout of how active your ovaries are. Together with AMH and FSH, antral follicle counts adds a precious information to what exactly the time is on your personal biological clock and how many eggs you have left. You can then build on this information yourself and adjust your life habits so as to give to [...]

Why antral follicle count is a number you need to know2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Which CoQ10 is best for fertility and why?

Thanks to many awesome professional fertility websites and personal blogs which have exploded in numbers over the past years (several thousand fertility blogs as I'm updating this post in 2017), women over 35 who are struggling to get pregnant now know with confidence that: 1. Egg quality and quantity is THE single most limiting factor in getting pregnant [...]

Which CoQ10 is best for fertility and why?2018-01-02T20:58:02+01:00

Could some aspects of the Paleo-diet help increase fertility?

One option that is becoming increasingly popular and discussed in terms of increasing natural fertility as well as maximizing health in general, is so-called Paleolithic or Paleo nutrition. This oldest way of eating has only been “discovered” in recent years, its direct effects on pregnancy rates of those who are trying to conceive have not yet been the focus of [...]

Could some aspects of the Paleo-diet help increase fertility?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

You would like to write me an email? Here is how to do it

You'd like to get my opinion on your fertility situation? On days in which my inbox becomes overloaded with messages that are just too many to cope with, I may trash them all except for the emails coming from women who need help. I can't recall ever ignoring an email from a woman in need or intentionally not [...]

You would like to write me an email? Here is how to do it2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

What I would tell my daughter when she gets her first period

Young women are often poorly informed about the impact of age on fertility and there is hardly anything new about that. But, if you now think I am talking only about being aware that one-third of women over 35 are not able to get pregnant as easily as ladies who are ten or more years younger - that's [...]

What I would tell my daughter when she gets her first period2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Why are women advised egg donation earlier in the US than in Europe?

I often get emails from women around the world asking me when I think is the right point to enter an egg donation program. One would think that there should be a clear consensus on this in the medical community, right? Not at all. A long time ago I noticed one weird thing: it's not only biological and [...]

Why are women advised egg donation earlier in the US than in Europe?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

Supplementing with DHEA boils down to one thing and that is…

  Progress in fertility treatments for older women is continuous. For example, it only recently became known that low ovarian reserve is associated with low testosterone levels and that testosterone levels, which peak in women 20–25 years, are essential for producing good eggs. For that reason, there is a growing trend in IVF centers to pre-supplement women who [...]

Supplementing with DHEA boils down to one thing and that is…2018-01-10T10:45:22+01:00
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