Dear ladies, thank you very much for your letters, questions and support. Each one of your voices and your comments over the past years has helped me to build a better website. For that I feel very grateful.
But most of all, thank you for letting me have a glimpse of many of your fertility journeys and asking for my opinion; I felt honoured every single time.
Lately, I am getting more questions and emails that I can respond to in my free time. So I want to propose the following: Please contact me as explained here, make a simple Pay-Pal donation and we’ll schedule a video Skype-session as soon as possible.
Too keep the expectations reasonable, here is a reminder of what I DO understand well:
- Improving chances to get pregnant naturally, by means of improving egg quality. If you have a question on which interventions of your personal lifestyle, diet, or supplementing strategy would increase your chances to get pregnant, or counteract poor egg quality, it might be a good idea to talk to me. Some more questions would be: How do I apply CoQ10 (or any other supplement) to improve egg quality? At which dosages and for how long? What is the real, scientific evidence behind supplements? Should I take herbs? Can acupuncture help me get pregnant? What should I do in order to improve my egg health and get pregnant faster?
What I can’t do: as mentioned over on the website and in the Discaimer, I am not entitled to give medical advice. For all questions concerning diseases, medications, dosages etc. you must consult a medical specialist.
Please find more information here (click on the link).
See you on Friday!
With love,
Hi, Thank you for your supportive blog. I am 45, have had 3 IVFs. Iwas wondering if you couls recommend any trustful, premium quality DHEA? There are so many of them out there….Thank you, Ariana
dear ariana, that’s an excellent question, thanx for asking. believe it or not, as i live in germany (where women need a prescription to obtain DHEA), i’m not allowed to recommend DHEA-products publicly on the blog. for any other information, please contact me as described here and we’ll schedule a skype session to discuss your case. kind regards, darja
I am a 42 years, have meet my soulmate and we would love to have a child together. My fm doctor did an FSH test and I was a 6 (beginning of February)- I have seen a fertility specialist and with the result of my FSH 9 ( July mid-month) and AMH 2.8 and only having 2 follicles in own ovary as it was difficult to view the other ovary….she indicated that I have a 1 to 2 % successful rate to have a child with my own eggs then went on to discuss the option of a egg donor (which would be 65% chance ). I really want to use my own eggs and not have to use an egg donor. I have a gestational carrier lines up (sister) and really would like advise on how to improve my egg quality and quantity. I understand that lifestyle affected the health of my eggs (smoking, stress, not enough sleep, nutrition etc…) Would love to hear what you would suggest in order to help me obtain my dream.
natalie, please contact me as described above and we’ll schedule a skype session soon. look forward to talking to you!