Massage: Does it help women to get pregnant faster?

Image courtesy: praisaeng at In terms of increasing fertility in women who are trying to get pregnant, three types of massage are usually discussed: Western massage is the classic kind of massage, which focuses on kneading the muscles. Thai massage generally applies focused pressure on the body. There are many subforms, such as traditional Thai, hot [...]

Massage: Does it help women to get pregnant faster?2017-10-13T12:01:44+01:00

How can fertility massage help you get pregnant?

One pleasant way to cut tension while trying to get pregnant is the fertility massage. To apply fertility massage, you can hire a practitioner. Or you can simply watch one of the many good YouTube videos (like one above!) on how to perform a fertility massage. In my opinion, women have a good feeling of their [...]

How can fertility massage help you get pregnant?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00
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