Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?   Photo credit: stockimage at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Legs up for pregnancy - does it really work? In virtually every corner of the world people believe that a special positioning during intercourse will improve the chances of getting pregnant or even affect the sex of the [...]

Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?2021-01-20T07:09:17+01:00

Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?

Photo credit: stockimage at FreeDigitalPhotos.net In virtually every corner of the world people believe that a special positioning during intercourse will improve the chances of getting pregnant or even affect the sex of the child. I still remember a joke I once heard in Bosnia about a man who desperately wanted a son after having four [...]

Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 35

Image courtesy: stuart miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net I always feel sad when I see women abandoning natural methods of improving egg quality only because they entered fertility treatments, or losing faith in their bodies once they turned 35 or have been trying to get pregnant longer than a few months. There's really no need to. After having researched the [...]

How to trust in your eggs and get pregnant naturally after 352017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00
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