Eggs And the City is so not Sex And the City!

  Image courtesy: imagerymajestic at Just this morning I've received two similar emails. Each was written by a 37-year old woman, hard working, in a relationship, struggling to get pregnant due to issues with egg quality. The only difference was, the first lady has no eggs left and will have to go for egg donation. The other [...]

Eggs And the City is so not Sex And the City!2017-10-13T12:01:45+01:00

How much being genetic parent really matters?

How far are you ready to go to become a genetic parent? (photo courtesy: David Castillo Dominici/ Many women know little about their own reproductive systems and are often surprised when infertility issues arise. Often there is time to fix those issues, but even more often, a woman over 35 might find herself running a race [...]

How much being genetic parent really matters?2017-10-13T12:01:46+01:00

When is the best time to get pregnant?

  At which age should women have children? Image credit: paul at At which age should women have children? When an average woman in her late 20es considers becoming a mother, what is a picture that TV and magazines help her arrive to? Sarah Jesssica Parker gets twins in her mid-forties, Heidi Klum models in [...]

When is the best time to get pregnant?2017-10-13T12:01:47+01:00
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