Fertility treatments in Turkey (and why Turkish women believe that onions help while trying to conceive)

During a recent fertility conference in Berlin, I spoke to numerous fertility experts, but only at the Turkish booth did it feel like home to me. Or, more precisely, it felt like sitting in my own kitchen - a peaceful, comfortable world, untouched by the hectic surroundings. Would I like a coffee? No? Then have a chocolate. Sit [...]

Fertility treatments in Turkey (and why Turkish women believe that onions help while trying to conceive)2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

Expert interview: What an embryologist from an IVF lab says about when women should start having babies and why

During the workshop at a spanish fertility clinic, I took the opportunity to spend some time with Dr. Fina Gomez, a leading embryologist in the IVF lab. I asked her the kind of questions that we discuss here on the blog; I wanted my readers to hear a real person speak about real issues related to infertility of [...]

Expert interview: What an embryologist from an IVF lab says about when women should start having babies and why2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

The dream of having twins: What are the risks and what an IVF expert from a top fertility clinic told me

We've discussed in the last post how many women, especially those older than 35 or undergoing IVF treatments, wish to get pregnant with twins and I promised to further elaborate on that. Is it possible to boost chances of having twins? There are, indeed, ways of increasing the chance to conceive with twins: by certain lifestyle interventions and/or [...]

The dream of having twins: What are the risks and what an IVF expert from a top fertility clinic told me2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

My week at Dexeus, one of the top fertility-clinics in Europe

My mother was born here. I was born here. My two daughters were born here, says Sofia Veiga, international manager at the Dexeus Clinic for Women's Health with lots of emotion in her voice. This is how people normally talk about dear places from their childhood, but rarely about a university clinic, right? But Dexeus, in Barcelona, is an [...]

My week at Dexeus, one of the top fertility-clinics in Europe2017-10-13T12:01:40+01:00
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